Tyler “Ninja” Blevins is once again in the spotlight. This time it is after an interview with David Marchese at the New York Times. The interview is full of interesting conversation and tidbits. However, what is grabbing headlines around the gaming world is some specific quotes about being a role model and influencer. The thoughts center on Ninja not being responsible for teaching people about problems that plague everyday life. Racism, privilege, and just generally being a good person are things that aren’t his responsibility to teach. “You want to know who your kid is? Listen to him when he’s playing video games when he thinks you’re not. Here’s another thing: How does a white kid know he has white privilege if his parents never teach him or don’t talk about racism? If they’re gaming and their first interaction with racism is one of their friends saying the N-word and they have no idea what it is — what if it was on my stream? Is it my job to have this conversation with this kid?” To say this has sparked conversation would be an understatement. People on both sides of the argument are making themselves loud and clear.
Microsoft has announced its quarterly results for FY21 Q2. Since we talk about gaming here, we’ll focus on the Xbox side of the announcement. Gaming revenue as a whole was up 51%. Xbox content and services revenue was up 40% (things like Xbox Live and Game Pass). Xbox hardware revenue was up 86% thanks of course to the launch of the Xbox Series X|S. More details can be found in the full report.