In The News
Weekend in Review:
Echo Fox investor Amit Raizada allegedly hurled anti-Semitic remarks at investor David Vittor, Upcomer’s Aaron Mickunas reports. Richard Lewis previously broke the news that Raizada reportedly threatened Rick Fox and his family and also reportedly attacked Echo Fox CEO Jace Hall in a racist manner.
Rick Fox confirmed the leaked emails as real to Lewis. Here’s a portion of his statement: “I have been informed of multiple instances where he has called me a ‘Sand N***er.’ In addition to his racial comments about me, he has admitted to his additional racist comments toward Jace Hall.”
A Newzoo study shows “more than one billion” women are active gamers,’s James Batchelor reports. “46% of the people spread across the eight gamer types were found to be female … The most common type of female game is what Newzoo refers to as the ‘time filler’ — people who play games to pass the time, most likely on mobile. 36% of all women in the study came under this category, compared to 19% of men. In fact, women account for almost two thirds of all ‘time fillers.’”
PlayStation put a hefty amount into marketing in April, VentureBeat’s Eleanor Semeraro reports. It accounted for “26.9% of all gaming-industry ad spend on national broadcast and cable TV … Gaming-industry spend decreased in April, down to an estimated $29.4 million from March’s $36.6 million.”
DeNA and The Pokémon Company are working on a Pokémon mobile game,’s Matthew Handrahan reports. It “will launch before the end of the financial year in March 2020.”
The Federal Labor party in Australia “pledged to reinstate the country’s Interactive Games Fund if it is elected,” Handrahan writes. “This amounts to the reinstatement of the Australian Interactive Games Fund, which was cancelled in 2014 before half of its allotted $20 million could be awarded to developers.”
Extra Esports News:
Happy birthdays Cho “Flurry” Hyun Soo and Xiang “XY” Yao!