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Coronavirus Cancellations/Updates-
The RLCS is planning on testing a cloud-based solution to ensure that RLCS streams can continue. They are no longer allowed to produce the show from their studio due to yesterday’s new regulations put in place by the state of California.
Hearthstone’s Masters Tour Los Angeles will no longer be broadcast. The games will still go forward online, and they are looking into the best way to make them available on stream.
The Intel World Open online qualifiers have been pushed back two months. That is for both the Street Fighter V and Rocket League qualifiers.
Gamers across the globe have united to take a pledge. We here at The Daily Walkthrough encourage everyone to take the Gamers vs. COVID-19 pledge. You can read all about it and sign the pledge at the website found here. Keep yourself and others safe during this trying time. Do not shrug this off. It is very serious. Respect yourself and your community around you.
The PlayStation 5 reveal wasn’t really what the general public was hoping for. Instead of an exciting announcement involving features, price, and games, there was an hour long very tech heavy talk. What people need to remember is this was supposed to be a conference at GDC. The shoe fits as far content. All that put aside it was incredibly interesting, and I, for one, learned a ton about tech and game development just by watching. You can find the full length video here. Don’t feel like watching? Here’s the whole thing summed up in an article from Richard Leadbetter at Eurogamer.
GameStop has classified themselves as “essential retail.” What does that mean? They can ignore government shutdowns of retail and keep their stores open and force their employees to come to work. Other examples of essential retails, which are ACTUALLY essential, are grocery stores and pharmacies. In a memo to staff yesterday they wrote, “Due to the products we carry that enable and enhance our customers’ experience in working from home, we believe GameStop is classified as essential retail and therefore is able to remain open during this time.” Jason Schreier from Kotaku has the full story.